Research Studies
Explore groundbreaking TayCo Brace research studies, delving into the innovative advancements and transformative outcomes in orthopedic bracing. Uncover the latest findings and scientific evidence, showcasing the efficacy and impact of Tayco Brace in enhancing mobility and improving quality of life.
Biomechanical Findings for TayCo AthleticX Brace vs. SHOD During Landings from Heights
In high-impact situations, the TayCo AthleticX Brace reduces ankle strain without affecting the knee or hip, preventing injuries.
The Effects of a Unilateral CAM Boot and TayCo External AFO on the Gait of Healthy Young and Old Adults
TayCo outperformed the CAM Boot in all categories conducted in this study. Relative to a CAM boot, TayCo provides greater...
Inversion-Eversion Moments Supported by TayCo Brace
The TayCo External Ankle Brace is comparable to a walking boot. The advantage over the walking boot is the ability...
The Effect of the TayCo External Ankle Brace on Multidirectional Reach Distance, Balance, and Flexibility in Collegiate Athletes
The ROM TayCo External Ankle Brace provides superior stability in inversion and eversion, while allowing for better functional range of...
Understanding How Ankle Braces Affect Walking and Stair Climbing in Different Age Groups
TayCo XAB is 96% as stable as a walking boot in a kinetic state, and does not affect the knee...
A Comparative Gait Analysis of the Impact of CAM Walking Boots Versus Fixed Ankle Braces on Balance and Fall Risk in Elderly Individuals
Data showed similarities between the step width and walking speed of the ROM TayCo and the control shoe, supporting the...
Comparison of Anterior Ankle Translation With and Without Ankle Braces
Both braces provided significant constraint over anterior talus translation when compared to control. The TayCo Brace (51%-52% of control) was...
The Effect of an External Ankle Brace on Return to Play Following Ankle Sprains in Elite Collegiate Athletes
Results suggest an external ankle brace is a viable alternative to taping and internal bracing for rapid RTP for elite...