TayCo Brace Pattern


Help people function after an ankle or hindfoot injury


Born on the Football Field

Originally designed by one of the nation's top athletic trainers, Mike Bean, to get athletes back in the game, TayCo Brace is now redefining the standards of comfort, stability, and protection not only for premier athletes, but service members, veterans, and general patients alike.

The name TayCo came from Mike's oldest daughter TAYlor, his youngest daughter COurtney, and his wife, COlleen.

Hear Megan's Story

The Bob and Brad Crew Provide Their Review

"Do You Have An Ankle Injury? Hate Your Walking Boot? Try the TayCo External Ankle Brace."

Hear Dr. Clemency's Story

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Walking Boot and AFO Alternative - RecoverX Brace
$199.00   $224.00 on Amazon View Product