Treatment Protocols
Where evidence-based care meets compassionate expertise. We offer meticulously crafted protocols to empower healthcare and medical professionals in delivering optimal patient care. Explore our repository to enhance clinical decision-making and improve patient outcomes.
How to Treat Postop Ankle Instability by Dr. Cesar de Cesar Netto
The TayCo Acute XAB Brace offers several benefits for patients during the post operative period in ankle instability cases.
How to Treat a Total Ankle Replacement Post-Op by Dr. Karl Schweitzer
Total Ankle Replacement and Post-op Recovery Patient’s dealing with debilitating pain and limited function from end-stage ankle arthritis may opt...
How to Treat an Ankle Sprain by Dr. Christopher Gauland
Diagnosis Acute Ankle Sprain (Grade II) Patient 22-year-old female collegiate volleyball player with an unremarkable medical history. The Acute TayCo...
How to Treat PTTD (Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction) by Dr. Patrick DeHeer, DPM
Diagnosis - Ankle Injury Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD) – Stages II-IV Patient Typically, middle aged patients 40-60 years old...
How to Treat Charcot Neuropathy by Dr. Patrick DeHeer, DPM
Diagnosis Charcot Neuropathy, also known as Charcot arthropathy or Charcot foot and ankle, is a syndrome in patients who have...
How to Treat a Chronic Midfoot Pain by Dr. Christopher Gauland
Diagnosis Chronic Midfoot Pain Patient 56 year old female, sedentary due to chronic unilateral midfoot pain. No known trauma. Failed...
How to Treat Peroneal Tenosynovitis by Dr. Christopher Gauland
Diagnosis Peroneal Tenosynovitis Patient 42-year-old weekend athlete presents with chronic lateral ankle pain, 6 months S/P lateral ankle sprain. Failed...
How to Treat Osteoarthritis by Dr. Patrick DeHeer, DPM
Diagnosis Ankle Osteoarthritis/Hindfoot Osteoarthritis (Post-traumatic or degenerative arthritis) Treatment Protocol Acute or Custom TayCo External Ankle Brace prescribed to prevent...
How to Treat Peroneal Tendinitis by Dr. James Flynn
Diagnosis Peroneal Tedinitis/tearing with weakness Patient Patients whose comorbidities may preclude them from surgery The Acute TayCo External Ankle Brace...
How to Treat Posterior Tibial Tendinitis by Dr. James Flynn
Diagnosis Stage IIB, III, and IV Posterior Tibial Tendinitis The Acute TayCo External Ankle Brace provides stability without limiting function...
How to Treat Ligament / Tendon / Arthroscopy Postop by Dr. James Flynn
Diagnosis TayCo Brace may be considered following several different surgeries: Brostrom ligament reconstruction Deltoid reconstruction Peroneal tendon repair/reconstruction Posterior tibial...
How to Treat Ankle and Hindfoot Fusion Postop by Dr. James Flynn
Diagnosis Ankle and Hindfoot Fusion: PostOp The Acute TayCo External Ankle Brace provides stability without limiting function to patients recovering...
How to Treat an Acute Ankle Sprain by Dr. James Flynn
Diagnosis Grade 2 & 3 ankle sprains (Lateral ankle sprain, Deltoid sprain, “High” ankle sprain or syndesmosis injury if stable...
How to Treat a Non-Operative Ankle Fracture by Dr. James Flynn
Diagnosis - Ankle Injury Non-displaced or Minimally Displaced Fractures, Stable Pattern (Avulsion fractures, Weber A and B without syndesmosis involvement,...